by Keri | Sep 12, 2014 | food, grocery project |
Thus far, Grocery Project has given Justin & me much to consider. This morning he threw out a small bit of broccoli that had gone bad. Over coffee, we had a rather sincere discussion regarding the nature of it. How do we move forward? Do we dock this against our...
by Keri | Sep 11, 2014 | food, grocery project, Uncategorized |
So far, our tally shows a $4.71 per person per day cash money spent since Sept 1 on groceries. Certainly, someone must be thinking, “my god, what kind of garbage must they be eating for so little money?” So I put together the menus for the last ten days....
by Keri | Sep 11, 2014 | food, grocery project |
I will say one thing about Whole Foods that makes me so insane: You absolutely must watch them at the register. It’s really kind of unfair to the checkers, actually, but Whole Foods consistently marks different prices on their products as compared to the...
by Keri | Sep 6, 2014 | food, grocery project |
Earlier this afternoon I trimmed a pineapple and put it in the fridge to chill. After it was cold, I cut it into chunks, placed it in a bowl and took the core for myself. I stood over the sink, gnawing at the core and thought to myself, “This must be how a dog...
by Keri | Sep 6, 2014 | food, grocery project, simple living |
If I hadn’t been so not hungry — yet still somehow hangry — this muggy September evening, I would have photographed the most amazing remedy for such conditions. Unfortunately, I had to take a facsimile from wikipedia. I must have read about it...
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