by keri marion | Jul 10, 2016 | life, simple living |
I woke up this morning in my own bed, half slanted to the right and thinking about how we need to fix that bed leg that we broke before we left for California. I lifted myself out of bed to find myself in front of the bathroom mirror; my hair reflects relative...
by keri marion | May 16, 2016 | food, peasant foods, plants, simple living, veganing |
I’m falling way behind, folks, but I’m in for the month! I’m not going to blog the repeats that we eat because we tend to eat the same things over and over; however, this sandwich – while it is a relative staple on our lunch menu – was...
by keri marion | May 8, 2016 | food, peasant foods, plants, simple living, Uncategorized, veganing |
We don’t have anything terribly new to report: we had leftovers all day. For breakfast we had our stand-by tofu, beans & potato burrito; for lunch we had the last of the tacos; for dinner I had the last of the spaghetti sauce (I went to a pasta-dinner...
by keri marion | May 7, 2016 | food, simple living, veganing |
We started out the day with our faithful oatmeal (ermagherd, I love Justin’s oatmeal) and black coffee. I headed out to teach the PE class I’m covering until June (hooping and yoga, whaaaaat?), came home to take care of some work, then we set out for...
by Keri | Feb 7, 2016 | books, buddhism, christianity, simple living |
A Christian friend of mine loaned me her copy of this book, Mere Christianity, by CS Lewis, so this post will be the surrogate to marginalia, since the book a) is not mine and b) has tiny margins. I thought at first that I would just handwrite on sticky notes, but I...
by Keri | Mar 2, 2015 | art, sewing, simple living |
So this morning I finished slashing & spreading the pattern to approximately fit my body. Now for the “muslin” which I’m hoping will fit well enough to wear. I chose a nice green & cream gingham from my pattern stash, but decided to cut the...
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