John Borba, our great host, took us to see the Pawsox today at McCoy Stadium. We had home plate seats in the first row, which was supergreat because in almost every other public event I’m stuck behind some sort of fathead amazon with a perm. But not this time, no sir! The only thing blocking our view was NOTHING.
The Sox won. I’m certain their winning streak was due to our purchasing official P-Sox gear (hats) and also due to our undying patience in the concession stand (almost an hour) for the shittiest food possible. Next time I’m packing sandwiches, and if anyone gives me any guff about it, I’ll tell them I’ll gladly purchase at the concession stand when they actually offer food.
And one thing I think is pretty fantastic (and I even forgot about this) about baseball is the Umpires. Their word goes, regardless, so when this guy got kind of a shabby deal, there were some words being thrown and it reminded me of the days of that little Italian guy, what’s his name? Tommy LaSorta-hotheaded or something. So that was cool.. a little spat to keep it interesting.
In my circle, “on the DL” means straight men who have gay sex “on the down low” or “discreetly.” I don’t know what Jiffy Lube means, but man, is it funny! We also saw another corporate advertisement for Koch Eye (cockeye) Laser Eye Surgery and LoJack (opposite: hijack) Stolen Car Recovery Service.
Baseball-thirty = Beer-thirty, and time seemed to stand still! John (left) & Justin (superhandsomelovey on the right) cheese out for the camera… and of course, no day would be complete without me pulling a face..
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