I sure do miss that fella. He comes to me in my sleep sometimes. He wants us to know that he never liked the sliced tuna flake with gravy; he much preferred SunKist. (He was never really off the grid) He says he has an unlimited supply of fresh salmon that he gets to catch himself now. He got his teeth back and he can chew like nobody’s business.
I sure do miss that fella. He comes to me in my sleep sometimes. He wants us to know that he never liked the sliced tuna flake with gravy; he much preferred SunKist. (He was never really off the grid) He says he has an unlimited supply of fresh salmon that he gets to catch himself now. He got his teeth back and he can chew like nobody’s business.
Thanks for the comment B-dogg.
Hey! That looks like Charlie.
Too cool. Love the MOM on heart
tattoo. Nice touch!