by Keri | Feb 10, 2013 | food, life, nature, peasant foods, simple living |
So we had this snowstorm, right? You might have heard. Friday evening the storm knocked out our power. What we didn’t realize was that our electricity somehow controls our house heat, which made for stupidly cold floors and an even colder day. But I didn’t...
by Keri | Feb 2, 2013 | buddhism, hooping, life |
A couple days ago, I noted how I’ve been struggling with the “last foundational move” of my hooping repertoire. I learned how to do vertical reversals right around the first of January; by the 6th, I could do a barrel roll; by the 12th I could...
by Keri | Jan 31, 2013 | hooping, life |
I was feeling a little frustrated tonight (and on such an amazingly warm midwinter’s day!) because I’ve been having such a hard time getting the vertical shoulder skill down. I can hoop vertically on the chest just fine, but once I get my arms in the...
by Keri | Sep 13, 2011 | food, life, peasant foods |
Justin & I went to the garden today to harvest herbs for winter. I would guess that in total we had a couple pounds. We also picked up about 7lbs of tomatoes and 3 more lbs of tomatillos, which have already been processed and are in the freezer waiting to please...
by Keri | Aug 24, 2011 | life, Uncategorized |
I picked up sewing again. But this time, I’m being far more meticulous about it. I’m using proper thread color & weight! I’ve even been using the proper needle. This is so unlike me with my usual sewing style (because I don’t normally sew...
by Keri | Mar 6, 2011 | life |
Whole Foods organic spinach, $2.99 about 3/4lb bundle loose mushrooms, $2.99/lb organic scallions, 2/99¢ organic celery, $2.99, about a pound organic potatoes, $1.00/lb organic green leaf lettuce $2.49, about a half pound $17.74 East Side Market smoked salmon,...
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