Yeah, he’s cute and all, but there are pastries to be had. And mama ain’t foolin’. Beautiful, delicious, amazing vegan pastries. But, I’m cheap, and Wildflour is not, so I always buy their “day old” cookies, 3 for $5, which is still kind of steep, but definitely more my style.

wp-1462998272910.jpgSo my favorite cookie is the brown one, not because it is chocolate, but because it is salted chocolate.  And I get to share it with a super awesome hoo-man.

I was feeling much better this morning after my 24-hour stomach bug; so much, in fact, that I convinced myself to go to yoga before work (but I was easy on myself), and when I got home, super hoo-man had our usual breakfast burrito + a beautiful green smoothie (with beets!), and black coffee ready for me.  WHATTA FELLA!

I thought I had a smoothie post already up, and I do, but it’s from 2007 and is vastly different from the smoothies we make today. I will post a photo with a recipe as soon as we have another.

And if that weren’t enough, super awesome hoo-man made me a delicious lunch salad as usual, which is never as much envy by my coworkers as it truly deserves, but I always enjoy it.  Today he spiralized some fresh raw beets with the carrots, which was a sweet surprise. Dr. McDougall’s ginger dressing had been brewing for easily a week, and so it was pungent and crisp.

He also packed me a banh  mi chay with a little beet, too! I almost forgot about all the beets today, but was reminded when… well, here: this should help explain.

Anyway… all that business aside: tomorrow we have a going-away-because-she-got-a-new-job party for a coworker, and I’m making some cupcakes…. VEGAN cupcakes, lol!  I made effort to make them even a tiny bit sweeter and with a little more oil than I use for us just to make a better impression on the omnivores.  I will dust them with powdered sugar in the morning. I didn’t have enough light to get a good photograph. I’ll try again before I take them in to work.