by keri marion | May 4, 2016 | food, peasant foods, veganing |
Previously on The Veganing…. No big surprise: we had the same breakfast today as we did the day before yesterday, except instead of buckwheat, we used potatoes. This version is our standard breakfast burrito, and this raised bar is pretty tough to beat (though...
by keri marion | May 2, 2016 | life, peasant foods, veganing |
Introduction As our closest friends and family know already, Justin & I made the transition to full-on veganism at the first of the year. Over the past four months, we’ve tried all kinds of different products, recipes, and vegetables; some were excellent,...
by Keri | Mar 1, 2015 | food, peasant foods, simple living |
So my experiments have been yielding consistent and pleasing results. The last two loaves I’ve made have weighed in at 1100g, which I think really is a good size for my glass loaf pan. I’ve graduated to using the other glass loaf pan in the oven...
by Keri | Feb 19, 2015 | food, peasant foods, simple living |
Scallion Pancakes for Ash Wednesday? Awww YEAH. What more a perfect way to bring in the season than allium? They are the quintessential representative of spring. And I happened to have some sitting in a jar that needed to be used up. Do you know what else I had to...
by Keri | Jan 17, 2015 | food, peasant foods, plants, raw, simple living |
So a few months ago – or maybe even a year – there was some kind of scuffle going around the interwebz about this Fire Cider business. My favorite local herbalist was in a twist over some company trying to copyright the name “Fire...
by Keri | Jan 6, 2015 | food, peasant foods, plants, raw |
I love pomegranates. I mean, I really, really love them. A good pomegranate is tough to find until about Thanksgiving, and I can see they’re already starting to lose their vigor and it’s only early January. They are the thing that push me to enjoy the...
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